Geeks Who Drink

March 31, 2015 2:30PM - 4:40PM at Grind Glenwood

Who are you?
Geeks Who Drink is a Denver-based company that hosts Bar Trivia at over 300 pubs and restaurants in 25 states. Our quiz is a collective effort of dozens of quizmasters, writers, fact-checkers, graphic designers and artists.
What’s a pub quiz?
Simply, a quiz game played in a pub. It's an Anglo-Irish tradition, but our goal is the same: to foster friendly competition, and promote social drinking. A noble cause!
Isn't that just “trivia night”?
No, and no. Most so-called “trivia nights” consist of either an MP3J reading Trivial Pursuit cards in between bad music, or a bunch of people staring at TVs with buzzers in hand. Our quiz burns through nearly 70 multimedia questions in two exciting hours. The quizmaster gets to know the players, and smack talk flying around in all directions is pretty much par for the course.

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Grind Glenwood