Coffee Noir Beer Brunch

December 11, 2016 11:00AM - 2:00PM at Oak & Ore

Why stop at ONE month of coffee beer brunches?? Like one of those "pay-it-backwards" lines at the Starbucks drive-thru, we're gonna try to keep this tasty trend going (at least until it gets to that one car that's picking up drinks for the whole office...sorry, Bruce, no one's covering your $72 latte tab...)

Where were we? Oh, yeah, coffee brunch. Anyway, for this one we're featuring:
- Coffee Noir
- Christmas Bomb!
- Apple BrandyNoir

And glassware that'll make ya go "AAAAAAAAAGGHHH!", which is yours for free with the purchase of a Brunch entree and a featured Prairie beer.

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Oak & Ore