Dr. Frankenstone Takeover!

October 26, 2017 5:00PM - 2:00AM at Fox Cigar Bar - Gilbert

Thursday, October 26th at Fox Cigar Gilbert starting at 5 pm, we will be having a Stone beer takeover! Just in time for Halloween- we will be featuring their seasonal beers that only come out once a year alongside some classics:

There will be one heck of a Stone beer line up:
- Stone Ripper
- Stone Vengeful Spirit IPA
- Stone Xocoveza
- Stone Barrel Aged Arrogant Bastard Ale
- Dr. Frankenstone Monster IPA

There will be Halloween-themed giveaways including masks, coasters, buttons, stickers, glassware, and more. So head on down to our Gilbert location to taste some tasty stone seasonal AND staple beers.

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Fox Cigar Bar - Gilbert