Get Kia drunk: Killer Queen League Night (Phx)

December 15, 2016 8:00PM - 12:00AM at The Grid: Games and Growlers

Kiarash Zarezadeh has been sober for 30 days, making him a crabby League Night host. Come have a beer with him and turn his frown upside-down!

League Night is an evening of friendly Killer Queen Arcade competition. Bring a team, a few friends, or just yourself, and sign up with Kiarash at the Big Board.

Fill out a card or get on the pickup list. As soon as there are two complete teams, League games will begin.

Matches are played in Best of 3 series, but don’t worry about winning or losing, you’ll be up again either way.

It’s a non-elimination round robin, and you are free to drop-in and out, so get there when you like and stay ‘til you feel.

League Night is free to play, and all skill levels are welcome.

  View Event Website

The Grid: Games and Growlers