Stats Poker Invitational Tourney

November 18, 2016 8:00PM - 11:00PM at Stats Sportsbar

1st Place - $250 Cash
2nd Place- $150 Cash
3rd Place- $50 Stats Gift Card
4th & 5th Place– Promotional Prizes

It is that time of year again.... Stats Invitational Poker Tournamnet.

This event is limited to people we invite on Facebook or via email.

If you are interested on being added to either of these lists, please tell the manager on duty

Here is how to earn bonus chips for this event:
1. RSVP on Facebook as “Attending” or “Join Event” for a $500 Chip
2. Arrive & Sign In by 7:45pm for a $500 Chip
3. Every Food or Beverage item purchased before the first break will earn you a ticket for a $100 Chip
4. More chances available during first break for a $1000 Chip (up to 3)
5. More chances available during second break for a $2000 Chip1st Place - $250 Cash
2nd Place- $150 Cash
3rd Place- $50 Stats Gift Card
4th & 5th Place– Promotional Prizes

  View Event Website

Stats Sportsbar