Surly Election Day 2016 - Enter the Darkness

November 08, 2016 4:00PM - 10:00PM at 8th Street Ale Haus

America votes on November 8th. The 8th Street Ale Haus is not picking sides. We agree that no one is going to be happy and America is going to have to rely on Canadian kindness to get us through the next 4 years. So let the Darkness in!

Surly Brewing Company's release of Darkness is upon us and just in time. This Russian Imperial Stout is the only connection you need to Russia on Election Day! It's rich flavor and high ABV content will help you forget that your vote really pissed someone else off.

And because the Ale Haus' only political stance is to bring you more great beer, we will be adding Surly Furious Black, Damien, and Pentagram in for good measure. All the beers off the impending Darkness!

So, go and vote, and then join in the misery at the 8th Street Ale Haus to lament the inevitable ruin of this great country. No matter who wins the election at least there will be fantastic craft beer!

#darkness #cthulhuforwritein #miserylovescraftbeer

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8th Street Ale Haus